Monday, November 14, 2011

3rd Grade - Me as a Tree

Third graders watched BrainPop video about Mexican portrait artist, Frida Kahlo. We discussed symbolism in her art work and looked at a portrait she drew of her friend, Luther, as as tree. We discussed how she used symbols in the pictures to tell the viewer about her friend, Luther. Third graders were then asked to draw themselves as a tree and put things that make them grow in their roots.

The artwork above was created by Lauren, 3rd grade.

Objective: Students will be able to create a Frida Kahlo inspired portrait of themselves using symbols to express an idea.

ACOS.3.3 Create symbolic works of art to communicate an idea.

2nd Grade - Frida Expression Portraits

Second graders read Frida Kahlo: The Artist Who Painted Herself by Margaret Frith. The class watched a BrainPop Video about Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. We also discussed papel picaos (paper flag). Students were asked to create a portrait of Frida on both sides of their paper. One Frida was happy and one was sad. Then students picked their best side and added a papel picaos frame around the portrait.

The artwork above was created by Daniel, 2nd grade.

Objective: Students will be able to create two Frida Kahlo portraits that illustrate two different emotions using pencil and crayon.

ACOS.2.3 Express ideas, feelings, and moods through traditional media in creating works of art.

First Grade - Frida Portrait Collage

First Graders read Frida by Jonah Winter. We discussed her imagination and how she was famous for creating self portraits.

The artwork above was created by first grader, Riley.

Objective: Students will be able to create a portrait of Frida Kahlo and frame it with tissue paper collage.
ACOS.1.1 Create works of art using a variety of techniques.

ACOS.1.7 Recognize artistic characteristics of various cultures, times, and places

This is a portrait by Frida Kahlo.

Kindergarten - Frida Shape Portraits

During the first two weeks of school, Kindergarten classes read the book Frida by Jonah Winter. We discussed shapes and how they could be used to create a portrait of a person.

The artwork above was created by Taylor in Kindergarten.

Lesson Objective:
Students will be able to create a portrait of themselves with an imaginary friend using basic shapes.

ACOS K.2 Use shape to produce works of art.

Image from the book Frida by Jonah Winter that shows Frida and Imaginary Frida.


Students at Munford Elementary will have digital art portofolios online this school year. Parents, friends, and family can view student portofolios and school galleries by clicking here.

Above Picture: Ms. Moorehead shows students their artwork on the website.

Parents, if you do not see your child's artwork on artsonia then I did not recieve your permission slip to post your student's artwork. If you would like to grant permission you can email me at